Monday, June 10, 2013

Trip to the Lake!

Yesterday, Buddy got to go to the lake and play! I was wanting to test how he'd do with sand and waves, since we're planning on going to Florida this summer. The sand, he loved! The waves, not so much, which I'm hoping he'll get used to them with more visits, because the waves in Florida are going to be a lot bigger than the ones in our dingy ole lake. I blame myself; I've always cheated, and taken him into the water where it was immobile, thanks to many rocks and weeds. Sound safe? Probably not, but it surprisingly is usually more safe than the beach.

We also got to just walk around and meet people and their dogs. Most were fine, but there was one couple with three chihuahuas and a big brindle dog that I'd peg as a boxer mix. Buddy doesn't much care for dogs his size or bigger. We chose to go off the trail and over to the water while they passed, which worked as a distraction. We'll be working on getting him to like bigger dogs one day, though!

A picture of some random ducks, for no reason at all!

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